Check out this great site that offers cool ideas for 8 weeks of summer fun. As they so plainly put it, "8 weeks of WOW, instead of, What Now"? Believe me, it's worth reading.
Drunk drivers are a threat on the road during Memorial Day weekend. Fox Business reports that drunk driving is a major threat to public safety and many states continue to work to get intoxicated drivers off the highways. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that in 2010 more than 10,000 people in the U.S.
Do you and your teen have a written agreement about driving? When it comes to your teen driving, it's important to engage in conversation before they get behind the wheel.
Here's a great article about what to say to your graduating senior who's off to college about drinking alcohol.
Summer is the highlight of the year for most teens — no homework, sleeping in until noon, a fridge stocked with food and freedom. Many parents do not have the luxury to stay home and instead work full-time or go on vacation during the summer. With more free time, less structure and no supervision, it may provide teens with more opportunities to fall into a bad crowd, experiment with drugs or alcohol, or even get into other forms of trouble.
The results of a new, nationally projectable survey released today by The Partnership at found that past-month marijuana use – particularly heavy use – has increased 80 percent among U.S. high schools students since 2008.The Partnership Attitude Tracking Study (PATS), which was sponsored by MetLife Foundation, also found that 1 out of 10 teens (nearly 1.5 million) smoked marijuana heavily (at least 20 times) in the past month.
Cinco de Mayo doesn't have to include alcohol but sometime the media can make you feel like that's all it's about. Here are some alcohol free family fun events that everyone can enjoy Cinco de Mayo weekend and then some.
Welcome to the new world of drug use for kids! Recent research shows that 1 out of 10 youth report using synthetic marijuana or spice to get high. ABC 15 did a story tonight on two 8th graders that smoked spice and ended up having a medical emergency. Watch the story or take a look at our herbal incense page to watch a webinar or learn more about synthetic drugs.
420 has come to be known as the national day to smoke pot believe it or not. There are a number of theories about how this name came about. One of them is that a group of students used to gather after class everyday at 4:20 to smoke pot. Another mention in an online blog calls 420 the Fourth of July of Pot Smoking. In the past, nearly 10,000 students showed up on the University of Colorado Campus in Boulder to light up. This year though, the hazy air is clearing out. A group of students in Boulder is hosting an anti 420 rally to show that the campus is classy and not just “baked”.
Here's another reminder of prom night gone bad and how important it is to "Guide Your Teen Through Prom and Graduation Season."