Psychiatric Services


Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation – SACE comprehensive evaluations are completed by a Psychiatrist where developmental history is reviewed, parents, teacher, and other professionals’ feedback is gathered as needed and diagnostic assessments are completed to support the findings throughout the process. To receive a SACE comprehensive evaluation, the family/member will need to complete an intake at the nearest Southwest Behavioral & Health Outpatient location. Once the intake is completed, the family/member will need to complete an evaluation packet, along with providing supporting educational and evaluation documentation. Once the intake is completed and comprehensive evaluation paperwork is received, appointments will be scheduled for a nursing assessment followed by the evaluation appointments with our Psychiatrist. The process will include at a minimum of 2 Psychiatric appointments. Additional appointments may be required depending on the complexity of the case.


Medication Services – Medication services include; medication administration, medication monitoring and/or medication adjustment provided by qualified medical practitioners to ameliorate behavioral symptomatology and improve functioning in the community. Members needing medications are assisted to obtain medications through their primary care physician and/or case manager and local pharmacy.