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Hope and Healing

Southwest Behavioral and Health Services News


In Arizona, kids start experimentation with alcohol and drugs at a young age; in fact the average age for first time drug use is just 13-years old. Current research also shows that marijuana use is three times more likely to lead to addiction for teens than for adults. Because of this it is important to talk with your children often and early about drugs and alcohol.

Parents would be surprised what a simple conversation can do and shouldn’t be afraid to use current events as a way to talk to their children about the dangers of using drugs. Studies show that parents who talk with their kids about drug use are up to 50% less likely to use drugs.

Please take the time to watch our newest video with real Arizona parents and families sharing their stories. They do so with the goal of educating others about the importance of prevention as no one should have to journey down their challenging road. The featured youth first started using alcohol and marijuana and their drug use progressed to prescription medications and then heroin.