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When Parents Are Away...

Southwest Behavioral and Health Services News

Summertime is probably a teenager’s favorite time of the year—no school, no homework and no supervision. How are parents supposed to keep an eye on their children while they are at work? The transition from supervision at school to no supervision during summertime can be challenging for some adolescents to cope with.

In fact, studies show that teens who haven’t tried drugs or alcohol are more likely to start during times of transition to deal with the stress.

Here are some ways that parents can help their teenagers stay drug-free during the summer:

  1. Keep track of all alcohol and prescription medications throughout the house.
  2. Give your teenager a list of “pre-approved” activities. This list will help your child know what they can do without calling for permission first. Make sure to set down limits for them, and require that they text you with who they will be with, where they will be going and an approximate time of return.
  3. Encourage your teen to get a part-time job or have them get involved in community service. This will help your teenager to make new friends, who will have the same interests, and help elevate the boredom that leads to experimenting with drugs and alcohol.
  4. Talk with your children at least once during the day. Parents will be able to hear a difference in their child’s voice that can be a signal that something is not right.
  5. Use your family contract to help your child know the expectations that you have from them. This will help establish an open communication channel with your child, that will help them feel comfortable talking to you about peer pressure and other thing that are bothering them.   

Summer vacation is a time for fun and relaxation, but it can also be a dangerous for teens. Use these helpful tips to ensure your teen has a safe and healthy rest of the summer and a positive start to the new school year.

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