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What Do Our Kids Need Now for Successful Independence Later?

Southwest Behavioral and Health Services News

Independence Day is a celebration of the foundation of our democracy and all the freedoms it brings. Often, alcohol is present at such summer celebrations. It’s worth considering the kind of messages about drinking we’re sending our kids through our behavior.

If, in our families, alcohol is thought to be a necessary ingredient for having a good time, it will be understandable then, if our kids choose to drink when they want to celebrate an achievement or a milestone. If we send the message that a stiff drink or a cold brew is just what’s needed after a hard day at work, our kids will likely assume that they too will need alcohol in order to relax.

In our democratic society, we are attempting to raise people who can responsibly handle freedoms involving choice, and function as productive citizens. A legacy free of drug and alcohol abuse is a must. It helps to be proactive in our parenting to avoid substance abuse and other related problems later on during our kids’ adolescence and beyond.

Drawing up a no-use family contract on alcohol and drug use offers a good opportunity to develop in our kids the responsibility required for success in our democratic society.  Involving them in the negotiation of forming the contract will teach them communication skills and encourage them to choose values for themselves. Having clear expectations will increase the likelihood that they will avoid underage drinking that brings on so many health and safety risks. Preventing these problems before they start, and instilling strong character in our kids sets them on the path to successful citizenship as our democracy grows and evolves.

For more information on how to teach the skills and values that will serve as protective factors in our children’s lives throughout childhood and adolescence, check out the free Active Parenting workshops offered by