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What is Molly?


Molly, the common name for the pure crystalline powder form of MDMA or ecstasy, is considered a club drug.  A club drug is a drug that teens and young adults commonly use at social events including parties, concerts, raves, and clubs.  MDMA affects our mood and our awareness of surrounding objects and conditions.  It also increases energy, pleasure, feelings of emotional warmth, and distorts our perception of time.  MDMA is usually taken in a pill form however it can come in a powder or liquid form as well. 

MDMA affects our brains in three main ways.  It increases dopamine which is our reward system, and increases our energy.  MDMA increases norepinephrine, which results in increased heart rate and blood pressure.  The final way is by increasing serotonin, this affects our mood, appetite, sleep, and increases emotional closeness and empathy toward others.

The health effects of using MDMA or Molly can range from moderate to severe.  Some common side effects include nausea, muscle cramping, blurred vision, and sweating.  In the week following moderate use of MDMA an individual may experience sleep and memory problems, anxiety, irritability, aggression, or impulsiveness.  High doses of the drug affect the body’s ability to regulate temperature properly, and in extreme cases elevated body temperature could result in kidney, liver, or heart failure.

It’s important to be aware that MDMA often contains other drugs including cocaine, ketamine, meth, and over the counter cough medicine.  This can be extremely dangerous if the individual doesn’t know what they are taking.  In addition, because MDMA increases trust and emotional closeness, it may also increase an individual’s risk of engaging in unsafe sexual behaviors which can lead to sexually transmitted infections including HIV.

Remember to talk to your children about the risks of MDMA and other drug use.  For more information on MDMA please click here.  For advice on how to talk to your children about drug use click here