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Tailored Resources Supporting Military Families

Southwest Behavioral and Health Services News

There are so many ways that our military personnel and their families sacrifice for our country. Many challenges accompany that sacrifice, including family concerns. We at support our military families with a helpful tool kit containing information on safe guarding kids in military families.

Military kids need understanding because they experience unique stressors, like frequent transitions. This can leave them vulnerable to the risks that confront all kids, like turning to drugs or alcohol to cope. Check out our resource on ways to effectively talk to them about prevention and prepare them to handle difficult circumstances.  Helpful information is available if you’ve ever wondered:

★ How to say it – Start the conversation with your son or daughter

★ How to teach kids to turn down drugs

★ How to answer the question: “Did you ever use drugs?”

★ The Top 5 Reasons Teens Use Drugs

★ What to do now if you’re worried about your child. is grateful to our military personnel for all they and their families endure for the good of our country. We wish them health, safety and well-being!