Today’s national survey results about synthetic hGH and increasing teen use, among both girls and boys, is concerning. hGH is medically prescribed for certain conditions and off-label use is prohibited by the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services. hGH essentially mimics the muscle building effects of steroids for athletic performance and appearance.
According to the survey, teens are very aware of the availability of hGH products sold online and are not aware of the dangerous risks to their health. Many youth may be using hGH because of pressure to perform and win.
Scientists know so much more today about our kids’ developing brains and bodies. The introduction of any substance can be harmful. hGH products don’t assure safety. Side effects can include: muscle/joint pain, swelling, increase in cholesterol levels and increases in risk for diabetes and cancerous tumors.
Parents, you are key to your child’s health and preventing drug use which can start at an early age. The average age of first time drug use in Arizona is 13 years old. 90% of drug addictions start in the teen years.
Please take the time to have a conversation with your child about the risks of drugs like hGH, and please include marijuana and Ecstasy (“Molly”) in the conversation. After a decade of significant decreases in youth drug use in Arizona, we are now seeing increases. Kids who hear from their parents about the risks of drug use are up to 50 percent less likely to use them. is here to help open dialogue with your child today.