Do you ever say to your children, “Make wise decisions about your friends, because you are who you hang out with.”
Well now you have research to support your advice!
A new study from Duke University, suggests that when teens see others drink or use drugs, they are more likely to engage in same-day antisocial behavior.
The study collected data from 151 adolescents, ages 11 to 15. The kids were given three questions a day for 30 days and answered them based on what was happening in their lives. More than 90 percent of the questions were completed by the teens. Each question was asked and answered via their cell phones to allow for real time data.
For adolescents, witnessing substance abuse can immediately trigger misbehavior. This can be a family member having a drink or a friend using an illegal substance. Each scenario coincided with antisocial behavior such as stealing, damaging property as well as hitting or hurting someone. Past research found that kids, who are around alcohol and drugs either at home or around their friends, are more at risk for behavioral problems later in life. This study concludes that the impact is immediate.
Think twice before you decide to drink around your kids or let a family member do the same. Remember to talk early and often. Kids who learn about the risks of drug abuse from their parents are up to 50% less likely to use drugs than kids who do not.