Election Day – the day we exercise our right to make choices as citizens. What must we do to prepare our kids for the choices they will be faced with? Society has changed at warp speed since we were being raised. It’s possible that the kind of parenting that worked to prepare us for the society in which we were raised no longer fits the preparation our kids require today. Nowadays, even the way they do math is different!
When we consider the kind of society our kids will inherit, we might think of things like diversity, technology, risks and democracy. In order to achieve success in such a world, one needs characteristics like responsibility, respect, cooperation, courage and self-esteem, and skills like academics, communication, problem-solving and decision-making.
By offering our children choice within the appropriate limits we set, we can teach them how one approaches problems and decisions, model respectful communication, and strengthen their self-esteem by allowing them opportunities to prove their capabilities to themselves. Join us for a six-session Active Parenting workshop to learn more about the parenting style that protects, prepares and encourages our kids and paves the way for close relationships.