National Grandparents Day was established in 1978 to recognize the important contributions seniors have made throughout history. Think about the seniors in your life, especially the grandparents, and the many contributions they have made in terms of guidance and support. They have an important role in the family.
Use this National Grandparents Day on Sunday, Sept.13 to share with them ways they can help their grandchildren live healthy, drug-free lives. By understanding the types of peer pressure children face, grandparents will be better able to help. While times may have changed since they were in their grandchild’s shoes, the values and principles have not. Their wisdom stands the test of time.
In addition to helping them understand how important they are to their grandchildren’s development, have your children do something special for their loving grandparents. Some things they can do to show their appreciation include:
· Create a Happy Grandparents Day card
· Take your parents and child out for a lunch celebration
· Talk to your children about all of the things they love about their grandparents and have them share that list with their grandparents
· Surprise your parents with a phone call from the grandkids
Happy National Grandparents Day from!